Tag: ePatients

Diabetes and Oncology at Doctors 2.0 & You

The use of Social Media and applications in many medical conditions (17)…


Interview with Lawrence Sherman on eCME and ePatients

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Lawrence Sherman since we first met…


High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: e-Patient Dave deBronkart

           Dave deBronkart is a cancer survivor, internationally known keynote speaker and…

joan justice

Just-in-Time Health Information

Most of us at Patient Power have been devoted to patient education…

Andrew Schorr

Activated, Empowered Patients Are Not New

 One of the most inspiring athletes of the 2012 London Olympics is…

Kent Bottles

Person-Centered HealthCare: How to Become an ePatient

Last week, Joe Kvedar talked about the Quantified Self movement and the…

joan justice


You may think Matthew Holt’s just some eccentric chap who fell into…

Regina Holliday

The Truth Between Patients and e-Patients

e-Patients, otherwise known as internet patients, are health consumers who use the…

Nicola Ziady