Tag: ePatient

Did You Wash Your Hands?

I don’t remember the exact day I met Marsha.  I felt as…

Regina Holliday


Tuesday September 20, 2011 I met Ben Miller at the annual AHRQ…

Regina Holliday

How Good a Doctor Are You?

Getting a medical degree is not easy: It requires 10 years of…


The Future of Healthcare: Part I, How the Empowered Patient Can Fix a Broken System

Dr. Cindy Haines has made it her mission to help patients navigate…


Imagine a World Where mHealth, Telemedicine and EMRs Integrated Seamlessly

             With the close of the American Telemedicine Association’s 2012 Conference and…

Innovative uses of Health 2.0 and Social Media

   Imagine a ‘Wiki” to empower patientsSeveral Health Wiki’s are already online.WikiPublicHealth …

Gary Levin MD

Making Patient Experience a Priority – Infographic

A strong patient relationship is the medicine for what ails healthcare. A…


Online Patient Communities Garner Interest at Social Media Week, Toronto

I was honoured to represent the healthcare sector at Social Media Week…

Colleen Young

Interview with Paul Wicks, PatientsLikeMe, Keynote Speaker at Doctors 2.0 & You Conference

I look forward to PatientsLikeMe participation at the Doctors 2.0 & You…


Why Patients Need to Become Experts !

I saw a very interesting patient today. She’d been referred to me…
