Tag: EMR

Imagine a World Where mHealth, Telemedicine and EMRs Integrated Seamlessly

             With the close of the American Telemedicine Association’s 2012 Conference and…

3 Tips from a Meaningful User on Attesting for Meaningful Use

The latest report from the HIT Policy Committee states that 2,246 eligible…


SAP Mobile mHeatlh IPad Application

It’s always interesting to occasionally look at what is being done outside…


3 Steps Towards Adopting Electronic Health Records

 EXCLUSIVE POST - There are a variety of forces driving us toward…


Microsoft Data Center Video Tour–Where HealthVault and Other Cloud Services Are Stored And Deployed

If you are using HealthVault as your PHR, you might want to…


So You Want to be an ACO? Technical Tasks and IT Tools

   Ever since the draft ACO regulations were released by CMS a…


Electronic Medical Records: Should the SEC Track the Brokerage Accounts of Hospital Clerks?

Study after study suggests that mandatory electronic medical records will raise health…


Richmond VA Hospital and MedVirginia Share Medical Records

There’s a lot of work (and money) going into creating the data…
