Tag: EHR implementation

Boosting Hospital Efficiency With The Right EMR Systems

EHR systems can help hospitals improve their bottom lines significantly and have…

Adam Leeb

Step-by-Step Guide to EHR Implementation

Take the guesswork out of EHR implementation with our expertly curated step-by-step…

Aaron Casselman

7 Steps For Successful EHR Implementation

  An electronic health record is a digital format of a patient’s…

Matt Wilson

Healthcare CIOs to-do list in 2018

  Enterprise Data Analytics Platform According to a survey 40 percent of…

Rehan Ijaz

Why Practices Need Business Intelligence to Make the Most of Electronic Medical Records

Technology is changing at lightning speed. With new medical data startups popping…

Rehan Ijaz

5 Reasons Big Data Adoption is Slow in Healthcare

Big data is changing our world, one industry at a time. These…

Sarah Daren

Transitioning To Electronic Health Records: From Financing To Implementation

Due to a combination of forces related to both technological advancement and…


EHR Implementation Struggles: Three Ways Forward

   In this article, I will share three important concepts that will…


Small, Solo-Provider Practices Lag in EHR Adoption

At the beginning of May, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services…

Amanda Guerrero

Implementing Electronic Health Record: Three Ways to Minimize the Impact

Implementing an EHR for Meaningful Use can affect physicians, staff and patients,…

Amanda Guerrero