Tag: doctor/patient relationship

Balancing Technology and The Art of Medicine

When I was a medical student at Wake Forest University in the…

Kevin Campbell

Why Information Therapy Has Become Even More Important Today

As medical knowledge grows exponentially , it becomes increasingly hard for a…


Age of the Healthcare Consumer

A recent Harris Poll had some great data, but one point struck…


Continuous Partial Attention

Continuous Partial Attention--while reading a blog post this morning that term jumped…


The Traditional Patient “Sick Role” Is A Major Barrier To High Quality Health Care

Each of us wears many different “hats” throughout the course of the…

Steve Wilkins

Patient Engagement Is A Physician-Patient Communication Challenge…Not A Health Information Technology Challenge

Physicians, hospitals and other providers are being misled by  industry pundits claiming…

Steve Wilkins

How to Take a Medical History: A D-Day Approach

One of the joys of being a physician is learning the patients'…

Michael Kirsch

A Mashup for Doctor Patient Relationships

A mashup, is a web page or application that combines data, presentation…

Danny Lieberman

Why Patients Need to SPEAK UP !

We all know that in real life, the squeaky wheel gets the…


Remote Doctor Consultations –Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

The Wall Street Journal (A Doctor’s Visit Without the Cold Stethoscope) tested…
