Tag: diet

Commonsense Diet: How many more things do we have to avoid to be healthier

I had my first cultural shock in this country in a supermarket.…

StevenShie StevenShie

Being Both “Fat” and Fit: Information About BMI and Fitness

It’s true that someone can have a body mass index (BMI) in…

Victoria Proctor Victoria Proctor

Meat and Mortality: Does Eating Meat Decrease Your Lifespan?

Does eating red meat decrease your lifespan? This is a discussion that…

DrTerrySimpson DrTerrySimpson

Diet Studies: Is There One Best Diet?

Is diet the answer to our health problems? Does diet make a…

DrTerrySimpson DrTerrySimpson

Mediterranean Diet: Truly Heart-Healthy?

Recently, news outlets were touting the article in The New England Journal…

DrTerrySimpson DrTerrySimpson

Ancient Indian Food

  Egyptian kitchen, 3800 years ago.   Egyptian kitchen, 3800 years ago.For years anthropologists…

Dov Michaeli Dov Michaeli

Personalized Prevention, Part IV

Earlier this year, I wrote a series of posts on the topic…

JosephKvedar JosephKvedar

The Planet’s Healthiest Foods – Everything You Have To Know

Amongst the many thousands of various foods the world supplies, most consist…

Ivan Dimitrijevic Ivan Dimitrijevic

The Case of GMOs and What You Should Know About Food Labeling [Infographic]

This infographic takes a look at the U.S. food industry and highlights…

Ritu Pant Ritu Pant