Tag: data security

How to Secure Data in Healthcare

Recent headlines of data security breaches at large corporations and system bugs…

Rick Delgado

Alleged Photo Leaks Prompt Question: Can Apple Keep Healthcare Data Secure?

First published on MedCityNews.com. First published on MedCityNews.com. If the alleged leak…

Deanna Pogorelc

Three Ways to Calm Patients’ Concerns About Patient Portal Security

This story is all too common: another security breach leaking confidential patient…

Cristine Kao

HIPAA for Web and Mobile Developers and Designers

I spoke at the HxRefactored conference in Brooklyn last week. I spoke…

David Harlow

The Iceberg Waiting for Your Health Care Data

The Heartbleed web security exploit was first publicized several weeks ago. The…

David Harlow

Personal Data Security –Beyond Health Care

The legislature in Utah is considering a bill to notify Medicaid beneficiaries that their…


How the Final Omnibus Rule Affects HIPAA Cloud Computing Providers

The long-awaited final modifications to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement and Breach…


Recommendations for Healthier Organizations in 2013: Data Security

It’s time for some New Year’s resolutions; and they have nothing to…


3rd Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy & Healthcare Data Security

The Third Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy & Data Securityby Ponemon Institute…
