Tag: cosmetic dentistry

Can Teeth Whitening Kits Really Improve Your Smile?

Well, yes. And no... Let?s explain that a little bit shall we.…

Rehan Ijaz

Should Universal Healthcare Systems Cover Cosmetic Dentistry?

  As politicians prepare for their presidential candidacies in 2020, a growing…

Rehan Ijaz

Here’s How To Choose The Right Orthodontist For Invisalign

  Invisalign is a revolutionized teeth-straightening process. It is an effective way…

Rehan Ijaz

How To Get Affordable Wisdom Teeth Removal

  The third collections of molars that people acquire in their late…

Ashley Kinsela

Cosmetic Dentistry In 2018: What’s New And What To Expect

When asked about what features a person finds most attractive, both men…


Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Tetracycline Staining?

Cosmetic dentistry gives the dentist the ability to mask tetracycline staining. Tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline are types of antibiotic…

Marielaina Perrone DDS