Tag: cancer

Why New Standards Are Needed for Faster Cancer Drug Approvals

Several years ago I attended an FDA Oncology Drug Advisory Committee (ODAC)…

Andrew Schorr

Gerson Nutritional Therapy, Scams and Pseudoscience

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” — attributed…


Bacon Cures Cancer

He was raised in the 7th day Adventist religion, and never tasted…


Are New “Quality of Life Drugs” Worth the Expense?

Very recently a review committee in the U.K. made a preliminary recommendation…

Andrew Schorr

The Loophole That’s Made Cancer Drugs Profitable Again

The Program:The program, known as 340B, requires most drug companies to provide…


A Parent’s Anguish, Ovarian Tumor at Age 10

I have become very involved in my son’s school here in Barcelona…

Andrew Schorr

When Pound Foolish Hurts

The following story is by James Bliwas from Ohio , a winner of…

Jim Bliwas

A Triumph Over Illness

Kara, her mom and me Kara, her mom and meWhen someone is…

Andrew Schorr

New Oral Blood Cancer Treatments Bring True Excitement in CLL and CML

Is chemo dead? Maybe not yet, but in some diseases it is…

Andrew Schorr

Planeloads of Doctors Determined to Cure Blood-Related Cancers

I had a weird experience yesterday. I flew from my home in…

Andrew Schorr