Tag: breast cancer

Twitter Community #BCSM Expands Online To Broaden Patient Engagement

Editor's Note: Dan Munro is a contributing editor to Forbes. His columns are…

Dan Munro Dan Munro

Breast Cancer And Dental Health

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the…

Marielaina Perrone DDS Marielaina Perrone DDS

Breast Cancer: A Young Woman’s Perspective

It is often said that cancer does not discriminate and this is…

Elise Redmann Elise Redmann

Mammograms Overdiagnose Breast Cancer – Let the Games Begin!

Breast news is booming. Breast news is booming.  Mammography is in the…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Do We Need So Many Mammograms?

From the NEJM:We estimated that in 2008, breast cancer was over-diagnosed in…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Breast Cancer Screening of Dense Breasts – Dr. Government Prescribes Bad Medicine

   This blog is about freedom and personal responsibility.  I have opined…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Delivering Collaborative Breast Cancer Care in the Oncology Medical Home

October is National Breast Cancer month and many supporters will be indulging…

Principle Healthcare Principle Healthcare

Breast Cancer: The Mammography Controversy

(Photo credit: Wikipedia) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Breast cancer awareness month began today –…

Liz Seegert Liz Seegert

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

(credit to AslanMedia)October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.And it pays to be…

Rhona Finkel Rhona Finkel

Men Can Develop Breast Cancer Too: What to Watch Out For

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see…

codylarson codylarson