Tag: big data

Big Data Needs Big Connectivity

The discussion around #bigdata continues to gather momentum. Government departments, notably the…


Big Data, Small Data… Size Doesn’t Matter, Data Management Does.

Big Data here, Big Data there… but what does it really mean?…


‘Practical Data’, ‘Actionable Data’ and ‘Useful Data’ vs. ‘Big Data’ in Healthcare

 Having recently spoken at about a half dozen conferences on the subject…


Four Keys to Understanding Big Data in Healthcare

Extracting value from “Big Data” has become a pursuit across all industries…

Jeff Farnell

Is Big Data Really Big?

Big Data here, Big Data there… but what does it really mean?…


Medical Innovation – Big Data and Patient Engagement

At the Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit, there was a discussion about…


Big Data, An Overview.

Big Data here, Big Data there… but what does it really mean?…


Rock Report: Big Data & Healthcare

     I have always been a curious person with wide interests: dentistry,…

Bonnie Feldman

6 Ways Big Data Could Change Healthcare

6 ways Big Data could change healthcare per Rock Health’s new report that…

Fred Pennic

What’s the Big Deal About “Big Data”?

In IT speak, “big data” is a term used to describe large…

John Montague