Tag: big data

Big Data = Big Savings in Healthcare

In a post reform era, the digitization of the healthcare information has…

Ashish Varshneya

HIMSS14: Who’s Afraid of Big, Bad Data? Or, How to Eat an Elephant

HIMSS14 is chock full of interesting folks, as befits a mini-city of…

Steve Goldstein

Healthcare Companies Tap Big Data for Clinical Trials

First published on MedCityNews.com. When Orexigen Therapeutics needed to recruit some 9,000 patients…

Deanna Pogorelc

The Looming Crisis in Healthcare IT

Are there enough informaticians to meet the need? Are there enough informaticians…


Business Intelligence and Health Analytics for the Rest of Us

Business intelligence and clinical analytics (especially pred Business intelligence and clinical analytics…

Bill Crounse

How Online Forums Can Help Patient-Centered Drug Development

In the August issue of New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr.…


Healthcare Communication Industry Tests New Offerings as Health Care Reform Evolves

Photo Credit: http://www.cbsnews.com Photo Credit: http://www.cbsnews.comYesterday eHealth, the company that owns eHealthInsurance,…


How Digital and Social Media Transforms Medical Journal Publishing

Last night, when I was searching online for an article published in…


Big Government Opens Big Database For Cancer Research

(Editor's Note: Dan Munro writes for Forbes.com under the heading "Healthcare Compass")For those of…

Dan Munro