The world market for the securement products, encompassing wound closure/sealing, hemostasis and anti-adhesion) is currently valued at more than $9.7 billion. This total market is growing at a steady 6.7% compound annual rate, though growth rates for individual regions vary.
Average growth in the world closure and securement products market also reflects differing conditions in individual countries, ranging between 3% CAGR for less developed economies and considerably higher for the United States.
The world market for the securement products, encompassing wound closure/sealing, hemostasis and anti-adhesion) is currently valued at more than $9.7 billion. This total market is growing at a steady 6.7% compound annual rate, though growth rates for individual regions vary.
Average growth in the world closure and securement products market also reflects differing conditions in individual countries, ranging between 3% CAGR for less developed economies and considerably higher for the United States.
Below is illustrated the market value and compound annual growth rate of the closure and securement market for countries outside the U.S. (the U.S. dominates the world market, largely dwarfing non-U.S. markets).
Source: MedMarket Diligence Report #S180; “Worldwide Surgical Sealants, Glues, Wound Closure and Anti-Adhesion Markets, 2008-2015.”