Stay Healthier by Avoiding Sedentary Habits Working from Home

Understanding the ways you can maximize your health while working can help you stay productive, comfortable, and healthy as you navigate remote work or any desk-based job.

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We have talked a lot about the health risks of the workplace. But did you know that working from home can create health risks too? One study found that 42% of people started reporting more injuries since working at home.

With remote working on the rise, many of us sit in front of the computer for hours on end – without realizing the impact a sedentary lifestyle can have on our health. While you think you might have done your due diligence by creating an ergonomic workstation to prevent repetitive motion injuries, you need to know that it’s equally essential to bring movement into your daily routine to avoid the health issues associated with prolonged sitting periods.

Following a guide to working ergonomically will help with your posture and alleviate other working-from-home-related pains. Still, regular movement is also essential to combat the adverse effects of inactivity.

Here, we will explore the risks of a sedentary workday and provide tips on staying active and healthy while working from home.

Why is a sedentary lifestyle so dangerous?

Imagine your chair as a ticking time bomb, with each hour you spend seated adding pressure to your spine, weakening your muscles, and slowly chipping away at your health. Research has linked extended periods of sitting to a host of issues, including back pain, obesity, heart disease, and even increased risk of certain cancers. It also places pressure on your spine, leading to poor posture, muscle stiffness, and strain on the lower back.

Even if you’d put the time into creating an ergonomic setup, sitting for hours on end without moving will give you muscle pain!

Not to mention that when you’re sitting all day, you’ll burn fewer calories, which can contribute to weight gain. This is particularly common with people who work from home, where the usual opportunities for movement, like commuting or walking around the office, are absent.

Why is movement so important?

Incorporating movement into your workday not only helps alleviate physical discomfort but also boosts mental clarity, productivity, and overall well-being. Moving regularly keeps your muscles active, improves circulation, and helps prevent stiffness in your joints. Additionally, short breaks that involve movement can help refresh your mind, allowing you to return to work with improved focus and creativity.

The good news? Movement is a powerful antidote to the perils of prolonged sitting, alleviating physical discomfort and boosting mental clarity, productivity, and overall well-being. So, while you might think that incorporating regular activity into your workday will only be about physical health – it’s also a boost for your mind! Here is what regular movement can do for you:

  • Keep your posture in check: Frequent position changes help maintain a healthier spine alignment.
  • Boost your circulation: Keep your blood flowing and reduce the risk of clots.
  • Clear your mind: Movement breaks can refresh your mind, enhancing focus and creativity.
  • Mitigate your stresses: Physical activity triggers the release of mood-enhancing endorphins.

Want to bring movement into your workday?

Ready to break free from your sedentary shackles? Here are some practical strategies to weave movement into your work routine:

1. Take breaks

One of the simplest ways to avoid sitting for too long is to take regular breaks throughout your workday. One way to do this is to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to stand up, stretch, or walk around for 20 steps. These short breaks can make a big difference in relieving tension and maintaining circulation and will slowly increase your step count throughout the day.

2. Stand up and stretch!

Having a good stretch every now and then will help to relieve muscle tension, and is a quick and easy way to get moving throughout the day. Simple stretches such as reaching for the ceiling, touching your toes, or twisting your torso can help combat stiffness.

3. Use a sit and stand desk

Sit-stand desks are becoming increasingly popular because they allow you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day, giving you some much-needed movement. If a sit-stand desk isn’t an option, then DIY one! Use a laptop stand on a counter or high surface to create your own temporary standing desk.

4. Go for a walk in your meetings

Instead of sitting for every phone call or virtual meeting, try walking while you talk. Having a walk meeting will be a great way to get moving while staying productive.

5. Exercise at the desk

Desk exercises are quick and easy ways to stay active while working. These exercises, such as seated leg lifts, shoulder shrugs, and seated marches, can be done at your desk without the need for special equipment. If you want to go the extra mile, then you can even use a walking pad to use under your standing desk.

How can ergonomics help?

Now, while we have brought your attention to the importance of moving throughout the day, you also can’t forget the importance of ergonomics. Make sure that you have the correct chair height, monitor placement, and desk setup to minimize strain on your body while working. Other additions like ergonomic chairs, wrist rests, and monitor stands are important, but they should complement regular movement to create a truly healthy work environment!

The road to healthier working

While creating an ergonomic workstation is crucial for maintaining comfort, incorporating movement into your workday is equally important for long-term health. By taking regular breaks, standing up, and performing simple exercises, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with prolonged sitting and improve your overall well-being.

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