If leadership comes from the top, why are so many healthcare CEOs hesitant to be active in social media? To get a first hand perspective I asked Paul Levy, former hospital CEO and C-suite leader to join me in a conversation about social media, healthcare and why CEOs shouldn’t be so hesitant to jump in. Listen in to our conversation or jump in at the time stamps below:
00:00 Introduction
00:45 Social Media and the CEO
01:50 What is the role of the CEO?
02:50 Journalist coverage of a story
06:12 CEO’s engaging
07:00 Train staff in social Media?
08:30 Using social media to tell what you think?
09:25 Paul’s Blog
10:25 What topics did you cover?
11:50 What did he post today?
12:38 Blogging about patient care
14:54 Posting infection rate – push back?
16:40 Insurance company on board?
17:35 Social media as a tool to set goals.
18:50 Facebook and Twitter
21:00 Tweetchats? Matching consumption schedules
21:48 Twitter at conferences
22:48 Tweeting & Twitter Fountains
24:38 Tone and emoticons25:07 Have you evangelized social media participation?
26:07 How many Hospitals CEOs are using social media
26:58 Frequency of posting developed ideas
28:02 Use analytics to drive content?
28:40 Moderating comments to manage “trolls”
29:30 Words of Wisdom
30:40 New focus – Leadership and negotiation
32:10 Social Media Tip: Dr. Mike Sevilla – Get a personal website
Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.