The Elderly
The Elderly
The sequestration was enacted to reduce our nation’s spending deficit, which is currently in the trillions. The sequestration was also an answer to our nation reaching the debt ceiling reducing the ability for us to borrow additional funds from other nations. A sequestration is an across-the-board cut in spending which is split evenly between defense and not defense. The goal is to shave off $85 billion over the next 10 years. Many federally funded agencies and projects were slashed dramatically and we are beginning to see the results.
How is the sequestration affecting our nation? Those who can least afford to lose federal funding are being hit the worst.
While we have a national deficit in the trillions and are reaching our debt ceiling, I am not sure the areas which were chosen take into how it
Lower Income
would affect the American population. Those hit the hardest include the elderly, the disabled, those with terminal diseases, and those in the lower economic classes. Meanwhile, Congress is completely unaffected in regard to their pay. The sequestration was not an across-the-board cut. It was across-the-board to those who need additional funding and assistance.
What are your thoughts? Where would you have made cuts if you were in the position to make this decision? Do you have family members and friends who are worse off after the cuts? Have you personally been affected? We would love to hear your comments.