Remedies Reduce Vaginal Dryness and Aid Sexual Wellness

A number of natural remedies can improve sexual health by reducing vaginal dryness.

6 Min Read

Sexual health is an important aspect of wellness, especially if you are in an intimate relationship with someone else. Although your sex life with each other is not the defining factor of the relationship, it is important. The ability to be intimate with each other can bring you closer together, improve physical health, and even help you start a family together.

Many couples face obstacles to a truly vibrant sex life. One of those obstacles that many women deal with is vaginal dryness, which is often a symptom of menopause. When functioning properly, the vagina secretes a natural lubricant that makes sex easier and more comfortable for both parties. Sometimes, these glands are not producing as much as they could, leading to challenges with sexual intimacy such as discomfort, pain, or a decreased sex drive.

There are medications available to help combat vaginal dryness, but perhaps you would prefer a more natural remedy. Fortunately, there are many strategies that can reduce the effects of vaginal dryness to improve sexual wellness and promote greater intimacy with your partner.

Drink More Water

One of the best natural ways to increase wetness is to get better hydration. One of the main ingredients of the vaginal lubricant that is secreted is water. If your body lacks enough of this resource, there is a direct connection to vaginal dryness. To determine the ideal amount of water you should drink every day, divide your body weight in pounds by two. That number is the minimum number of ounces you should drink each day. If you are an athlete or live in a warmer climate, you should drink even more. By consuming more water, you may be able to solve the problem of vaginal dryness entirely.

Exercise and Stretch More

An active lifestyle can solve many problems with physical health. Exercising is a great way to manage back pain, get more sleep, decrease joint aches, and promote longevity. And yes, exercise is helpful if you are struggling with vaginal dryness. The primary benefit is that movement inspires more blood flow, which helps transport the necessary nutrients to the glands responsible for producing lubricant. Stretching is also an important practice that can help with vaginal dryness, particularly with pelvic exercises. By strengthening your pelvic muscles, stronger blood flow and arousal will be easier to come by, which in turn can reduce dryness. An active lifestyle should already be a priority for overall physical wellness, but certain activities can help you enjoy intimacy even more.

Reduce Stress

Did you know stress can have a physical impact on your sex life? Hormone levels become imbalanced when you are facing stress, which can lower the amount of testosterone being produced, which negatively impacts libido. Additionally, blood flow can decrease and make vaginal dryness more likely if you are experiencing stress. This does not even address the fact that stress can make it mentally challenging to look forward to intimacy. Stress reduction can improve sexual health and limit the effects of vaginal dryness. Try to engage in stimulating activities that you enjoy to reduce the amount of stress in your life, such as hiking, running, woodworking, or playing sports.

Consume More Key Nutrients

For better lubrication, you need nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. These nutrients are found in foods like sunflower seeds, salmon, tuna, and sesame seeds. If you want to get even more of these nutrients into your diet to address the problem, you could take supplements as well. It is important to note that supplements should not serve as a substitute for healthy foods, but rather as an additional element to boost levels of certain nutrients further.


One of the most common causes of vaginal dryness is a lack of arousal. Sex is meant to be enjoyable, but if you are not aroused, it can impact the experience both physically and emotionally. Perhaps you are jumping into the act of sex too quickly and not allowing your body to catch up, making arousal difficult and leading to vaginal dryness. Spending more time in foreplay can help your body warm up and become aroused so that vaginal dryness is reduced. Perhaps you and your partner can talk about what activities turn you on the most and try something new to enhance sexual wellness.

Focus On Natural Solutions For Greater Sexual Health

Dealing with vaginal dryness adds an extra burden to your relationship with your loved one. It can make sex less comfortable and pleasurable, potentially decreasing your overall sex drive. In some cases, sex may even become painful, which can affect the relationship as well as your own body. There are plenty of natural remedies for vaginal dryness that you can try to get back to enjoying sex with your loved one. Drinking more water, exercising, reducing stress, focusing on key nutrients, and engaging in more foreplay can all contribute to a better sex life.

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