Although I was so happy there was a cached version, I thought the Timeline could use an update. So here it is…
Regina’s Medical Advocacy TIMELINE: Before
September 14, 2008 Regina joins Facebook
March 25, 2009 Fred hospitalized 1st hospital
April 18, 2009 Fred tells Regina to go after them
Regina’s Medical Advocacy Timeline: The First Year
April 22, 2009 Fred transfers to 2nd hospital
April 29, 2009 Dear Friends and Fellow Fighters, Regina Holliday
May 4 2009 Regina Joins Twitter
May 5 2009, Regina speaks with e-Patient Dave and his doctor
May 6 Regina begins to blog
May 6, 2009 Dear Friends, Business Associates, Special Ed/Educational Contacts, & Artists, Regina Holliday
May 8, 2009 Fred transfers to rehab
May 16, 2009 Fred transfers to 3rd hospital for blood transfusion
May 17, 2009 Fred transfers back to rehab
May 20, 2009 Fred transfers to inpatient hospice
May 27, 2009, Regina’s attends first Health 2.0 meeting
May 28, 2009 Is It Meaningful if Patients Can’t Use It?, Ted Eytan, MD
May 30, 2009 Medical Facts Mural #1, Christine Kraft
May 30, 2009 The Medical Fact Mural is placed
June 2, 2009 Nothing Personal, Cindy Throop, The Health Care Blog
June 2, 2009 73 Cents: the idea , Regina Holliday
June 10, 2009 Regina and her family move to a new apartment
June 11,2009 Fred is sent home for home hospice
June 17, 2009 Frederick Allen Holliday II dies
June 21, 2009 The Battle Begins, Regina Holliday
June 23, 2009 Regina begins painting 73 cents
June 29, 2009 Regina attends first medical conference: Connect Seminar 2009, Washington DC (at 34:37 Regina ask Aneesh Chopra a question)
July 14, 2009 House Unveils Health Care Overhaul, Fox 5 News (link no longer available)
July 21, 2009 Regina Paints Her Sorrow and Her Hopes, Trisha Torrey, Patient Empowerment Blog
July 23, 2009 The High Costs of Health Care, Senate Press Conference
August 1, 2009 Art as Advocacy, Liz Geltman, The Baltimore Examiner
August 6, 2009 In a Plea for Health Reform, a Widow Picks Up Her Paintbrushes, Dana Milbank, the Washington Post
August 10, 2009 Painting a Mural to Fix Healthcare, BBC World News
August 13, 2009 DC Mural Makes Health Care Statement, Fox 5 News (link no longer available)
August 18, 2009 Widow Uses Mural To Portray Husband’s Death And Health Care Perils, WUSA9 (link no longer available)
August 18, 2009 Widow Paints Husband’s Death, CNN
August 20, 2009 Healthcare Reform Campaign, CBS News
August 21, 2009 Obamas Gesundheitspolitik (link no longer available), ARD German Television
August 22, 2009 73, Cents a New Monument to Patients in Washington DC, Ted Eytan, MD
August 29, 2009 Malen gegen das sinnlose Sterben, Thomas Spang
August 31, 2009 Painting for Health Care, Voice of America
August 31, 2009 Woman Paints Mural Depicting Husband’s Fight for Health Care, ABC 7 WJLA (link no longer available)
September 10,2009 Jamie Crausman and Ben Crosbie’s short film of installing the Medical Facts Mural
September 12,2009 Regina Holliday’s mural is in the BMJ, e-Patient Dave,
September 12,2009
September 25, 2009 Dark Willow and “73 Cents”, Regina Holliday
September 30, 2009 Regina finishes the painting “73 Cents”
September 30, 2009 Mural Shows Family’s Health Care Hell (link no longer available), Andrea Stone, AOL News
October 7, 2009 The Fight of Her Life: Washington, DC, Woman Crusades for Medical Records Access, Rob Senior, Advance for Health Information Professionals
October 8, 2009 Turning frustration into art: widow paints murals to push for health care reform, Claritza Jimenez, American Observer
October 20, 2009 73 cents dedication
73 cents dedication from Jamie Crausman on Vimeo.
November 2, 2009 We Need More Nurses mural finished
November 9, 2009 A Widow Paints a Health Care Protest, Joseph Shapiro, NPR
November 10, 2009 “Beyond the PHR: Promoting participation at all levels atall levels: internal and external: patient, family, community.” Panel speech, 5th World Healthcare Innovation and Technology Congress, Washington, DC
November 11, 2009 Regina Holliday: A Perfect Storm, by Melissa Dey Hasbrook
December 11, 2009 Medicine in the Matrix, Regina Holliday (The first art jacket)
December 15, 2009 What part of “Give us our damn data” do you not understand? , ePatient Dave deBronkart,
January 15, 2010 Regina presents her first ignite speech (first powerpoint with the help of Cindy Throop) at Social Justice Camp DC
January 17, 2010 Todo por Obama, (link no longer available) Marc Bassets, Magazine
January 31, 2010 Rosa Parks in Health Care, Regina Holliday
February 27, 2010 The mural at the ONC meeting, Regina Holliday

March 18, 2010 Wheals on the Bus, Regina Holliday
March 19, 2010 Health Care for America Now Interview
April 12, 2010 Regina Holliday’s Mural: a presentation by Jessica Baroody
April 21, 2010 Patient access to e-record urgent, HHS panel told, Mary Mosquera, Government Health IT
April 26, 2010 “Wonder Twin powers, Activate!”, Regina Holliday
Regina’s Medical Advocacy Timeline: The Second Year
May 4, 2010 Data Cloud, Regina Holliday (the 4th art jacket)
May 17, 2010 “Apples to Apples” by Regina Holliday, Regina Holliday
May 17, 2010 Video: Regina Holliday Painting HCAHPS by eidolonfilms
HCAHPS Visualization from Eidolon Films on Vimeo.
June 3, 2010 “Is our Savior high within the Data Cloud?” Keynote Speech, Cerner Meaningful Use Summit, Kansas City, Missouri first powerpoint, first national speech
June 7, 2010 Regina’s presents on a panel at Health 2.0: Can Health 2.0 Improve EHR Adoption?
June 7, 2010 “Patients 2.0” Panel Speech, Health 2.0 Goes to Washington, DC
June 8, Regina joins slideshare and posts the presentation Patients 2.0
June 24, 2010 Regina Holliday speaks at National Partnership for Women and Families Annual Luncheon
July 13, 2010 Regina speaks at Stage One Meaningful Use Announcement at HHS Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
July 22, 2010 Let’s change the Face of Health Care – Regina Holliday, Health 2.0 STAT
July 23, 2010 “Where do you come in? I need walls.” – e-Patient Ephemera, Washington, DC, July 29, 2010, Ted Eytan
July 29, 2010 “e-Patient Ephemera” Guest Artist, Clinovations Art Gallery Show, Washington, DC
July 31, 2010 “Give Us Our Damned Data” Causes the First Meltdown in Awhile, Trisha Torrey, Every Patient’s Advocate
August 2, 2010 The Forest, My Trees and a Major “DUH!” Moment, Tricia Torrey,
September 3, 2010 My Second Encounter with Fred Holliday’s Medical Record, Ted Eytan
September 23, 2010
“The Worst Pain Imaginable” Speech and the first time Regina paints onsite at a medical conference, e-Patients Connections from Kru Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 27, 2012 Pixels and Pills Interview
October 12, 2010
October 18, 2010
“Putting the H in HIT” Panel Speech, CMS Quality Net Conference Baltimore, MD
December 16, 2010 Remember Your Hollidays, a video by TMIT
December 29, 2010 “Grieving Widow Sends Political Message Through Art,” by Julie Taboh, Voice of America
January 21-22, 2011 Social Justice Camp II, Regina organizes ignite speeches and an unconference
March 11,2011 Keynote speech and onsite painting at Bellin Health, Green Bay, Wisconsin
March, 16 2011 “The Cake is a Lie” Regina explains the painting “The Menu Set”
Interview by Liza Sisler
May 4, 2011 Rosetta Stone a Jacket for Lygeia Ricciardi (the 1st official gallery jacket, 6th art jacket)
May 2011-June 6, Regina and other artists complete 54 jackets for The Walking Gallery
The Walking Gallery from Eidolon Films on Vimeo.
(jackets 1-162)June 13 -14, 2011
“The Partnership with Patients: a Call to Action for Leaders” by Charles Denham, Journal for Patient Safety
June 28- July 1, 2011
Wikipedia entry on Regina Holliday
July 23, 2011 work on Speakerlink begins: The Patient Speakers
August 20, 2011 Keynote, REC Beacon Community Meeting, Puerto Rico
September 29-30, 2011
October 11-12, 2011
October 25,2011
December 2011 Speakerlink Public Launch
Regina Holliday’s Speakerlink profile
January 2012, WEGO Health Offline Crusader Award 2011
February 23, 2012
February 23, 2012 Interview HIMSS 12 with Perficient’s Liza Sisler
“Measure for Measure” Testimony before NCVHS Silver Spring, MD
HxD 2012 – Regina Holliday – What does art have to do with medicine? from HxD Conference on Vimeo.
April 24, 2012 “Patient Voices at TEDMED 2012,” By Stacy Lu TEDMED blog
April 25, 2012 “The Power of Long Stories,” Keynote Speaker and onsite artist 5th Annual Patient Safety Symposium, Columbia, South Carolina
April 27, 2012 Panel Speaker onsite artist, Patient Safety and High Performance Leadership Summit: Issues in Governance, National Collaborative, and HIT, National Press Club, Washington, DC
Regina’s Medical Advocacy Timeline: The Fourth Year
May 6, 2012 Rally to Support Patient Data Access by Regina Holliday
May 7 -9, 2012 ICSI Colloquium, Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 17, 2012 Learning Health System Summit onsite painting “Chaordic“
May 19-25, 2012 The Orchestra: a painting for AHDI and Medical Transcriptionists Week
May 30, 2012 Onsite artist, Avatar Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida
June 4, 2012 Panelist Patient Access Summit White House Conference Center, Washington DC
(jackets 163-220…)
June 13, 2012 “Patient Perspectives: Regina Holliday” by Rebecca Aris, pharmaphorum
June 13, 2012 Presentation at CMS on Partnership with Patients, Washington DC
June 16, 2012 “Regina’s Art: I Don’t Have the Words,” Dan Dunlop
August 2012, The Walking Wall: 73 Cents to the Walking Gallery is published by HISA
August 9, 2012 Keynote, Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
August 18, 2012 “Electronic Medical Records are Super Cool!” Regina Holliday and Isaac Holliday
September 9-11, 2012 Onsite artist and panel speaker AHRQ Annual Meeting
September 12, 2012 “6 Uninsured: Regina Holliday”
September 15, 2012 HealthTechHatch Patient Travel Fund Fully Funded
September 18, 2012 Medstartr Walking Gallery Patient Travel fully funded
The Conference That Felt Like a Hug
September 27-28, 2012 Onsite speaker and artist, Stanford Medicine X 2012,Stanford, California
October 9-10, 2012 Speaker P2 Collaborative of Western New York, Buffalo, NY
October 12, 2012 These 12 Women are Powerful Voices in Healthcare Innovation and on Twitter, by Deanna Pogorelc, MEDCITY News
November 14, 2012 Speaker at University of New England, Portland Campus, Portland, Maine
December 20, 2012 Panel Presentation Health Innovators Gala, New York City, NY