Promoting cultural competence in nursing: strategies for enhancing diversity and inclusion

6 Min Read

Diversity in healthcare is no longer a buzzword; as the American population evolves to include people from many different backgrounds, races, ethnicities and countries, it has become critical that healthcare professionals embrace diversity and explore ways they can provide equitable services to all.

As you embark on your nursing training you can expect to encounter many topics that deal with diversity and cultural competence. At the University of Indianapolis, for example, whether you enroll in a bachelor’s of science in nursing or a post-graduate nursing course, your instructors will make sure that you understand the value of diversity and cultural competence in healthcare. They will teach you how to develop the necessary skills to deal with people from different backgrounds, as well as how institutions can embrace diversity as a core principle.

Even before your course begins there is much you can do to familiarize yourself with the topic. To help you get started, below are some common strategies that enhance diversity and inclusion in healthcare.

For healthcare institutions

They can advertise nursing jobs widely

If jobs are advertised within just some communities, the odds are that hires will be from that community. If healthcare institutions want to encourage diversity among nursing staff they should advertise positions to everyone in the community.

Hire nurses from diverse backgrounds

Hospitals and clinics should make a conscious effort to hire more nurses from minority groups. It isn’t as easy as advertising jobs and hoping that they apply. It often takes more than that.

Managers and administrators should actively seek out qualified nurses from minorities to diversify their staff.

Encourage minorities to take advantage of nursing education scholarships

Many minorities are disadvantaged when it comes to educational opportunities. Setting aside a certain number of scholarships for them every year will encourage young people to take up the profession, and over the years healthcare facilities will become more diverse.

Encourage community outreach among nurses

Community outreach is one of the easiest ways for nurses to meet the wider community. The hospital or clinic can organize events where they get to meet and know the people around them.

Encourage young people of all backgrounds to take an interest in nursing

If we can get young people from different races and ethnicities to go into nursing, we will change the face of healthcare in as little as it takes for them to qualify as practitioners.

Hire interpreters

Interpreters help bridge communication gaps between patients and care providers.

For nurses

There is much that nurses can do to become more accommodating to others:

Rotate duties in the hospital

If you work in one station, you are only exposed to the people in that station. You will come in contact with people from other backgrounds but not for long enough for you to understand who they are.

Reach out to people of different races

We can only get to know people if we spend time with them. Every nurse should strive to meet people from other races and backgrounds and learn a little about their culture.

Attend community events

Make it a point to go to events that bring the community together. Meet a few new faces every time and get to know a little about who they are, their goals and aspirations and their families. You will find that you have plenty in common.

Read widely

There is a whole world outside America, with interesting people, cultures, belief systems and more. You can get to know a little about the rest of the world through books. Movies, TV shows and documentaries will also show you how people from other countries live.

Be a little more accommodating

Stretch yourself a little more to accommodate those from different races and backgrounds. Take the time to listen to what they have to say, and don’t be quick to judge them. Their opinions and ways are just as valid as yours.

Attend cultural events

If there will be an Indian showcase somewhere near you this weekend make a point of attending. If people from an African country have a fashion show or a cuisine night set aside an hour or two to be there. If the Eastern Europeans in your community are showcasing their baking skills be there; you may learn something new.

In other words, go out and mix with people from other parts of the world. You will come to see that they aren’t very different from you.


Cultural competence and diversity are no longer an option. Today, every healthcare professional must strive to embrace all, regardless of their race, how much money they make, or their beliefs and cultures. The sooner you get yourself into a diverse mindset, the easier it will be to provide quality nursing care to all.

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