Nutrition Tips: Is Seaweed Salad Healthy For You?

7 Min Read

Seaweeds are vegetables that grow in the sea. They’re usually in the form of algae and have different colors. It’s a significant source of food for the animal life in the sea and also very rich in a lot of nutritious substances that can be beneficial to the human body.

You’d be surprised at the number of delicacies you can come up with using seaweed. They can be used as ingredients to make dishes like salads, smoothies, and supplements. The high nutrient content found in the plant has also made them a popular healthy choice for salad.

If you’re still wondering whether eating this sea growing plant is healthy, here are some of the health benefits of consuming seaweed salad.

1. Contains Substances That Support Thyroid Function

Seaweed contains a high content of iodine and tyrosine, which is an amino acid. The amino acids both work to enhance the growth and development of the human body.

The amino acid in tyrosine is produced and released by the thyroid gland, which stimulates growth, repairs damaged cells, and helps the body produce energy.

On the other hand, iodine performs significant functions in the body. Without iodine in your diet, you may develop swellings on the side of your neck. You’ll also tend to get tired quickly, and you may even begin to lose weight in an unhealthy way.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

The body constantly produces free radicals. When these free radicals are in excess, they can cause damage to the body’s cells. Thankfully, continuously consuming seaweed salad produces antioxidants that can attack and disable free radicals.

The above is why the International Association of Wellness Professionals highly recommends seaweed consumption. Some of the substances found in seaweeds are carotenoids and flavonoids, which perform significant functions to protect your body cells and even prevent the cancer-causing effect of free radicals.

3. Source of Minerals and Vitamins

There are different types and colors of seaweed. When you combine these types and make it into a salad, you can be sure of consuming a healthy plate that’s rich in vitamins and minerals. As they help to build the immunity of the body and also makes you glow with radiating energy, vitamins are indeed essential to your diet.

The most notable classes of the vitamin in seaweed include vitamins A, B, C, E, K. Seaweed are also rich in minerals such as zinc, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and folate, which works together to give you strong bones.

All these vitamins and minerals make seaweed not only a healthy option but also highly medicinal.

4. Treats Diabetes

A study notes that consuming seaweed dramatically lowers your chances of becoming diabetic. Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented and managed if blood flow is well regulated in such a way that the body can balance the blood’s sugar level over time.

When you include seaweed salad as part of your meal plans, it causes an increase in fucoxanthin, which is a substance that helps your body regulate sugar balance.

A balanced sugar level can prevent and also reduce having Type 2 Diabetes. Hence, consuming seaweed salad can significantly reduce the risk factors of diabetes, which is a leading world health problem.

5. Rich in Fiber and Polysaccharides

Another major reason why you should consider seaweed salad is the fact that they’re rich in fiber and polysaccharides. Fiber doesn’t digest easily, which works to the advantage of anyone consuming them as they serve as a source of food to microorganisms in your guts.

These microorganisms have a beneficial responsibility for aiding digestion and striking a balance between health and sickness in the human body. Fiber released by seaweed serves as a food for them, thus balancing your gut health.

Also, the sugars released by seaweed are useful polysaccharides that allow for the growth of gut bacteria. Polysaccharides are also known to increase the production of fatty acids that’ll enhance your gut by providing nourishment and support to the gut cells.

6. Lowered Risk of Heart Disease

In recent times, many people die as a result of different heart diseases yearly around the world. In fact, it is one leading cause of death worldwide. Heart disease has become a global concern in the public health sector because of the speed at which it results in complications and death.

Several factors have been identified as risk factors for different heart diseases. Some of these factors include smoking, overweight, high cholesterols intake, diet habits, to mention a few.

The good news is that consuming seaweed salad can reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. Also, certain carbohydrates in seaweeds can prevent blood clotting in excess, which reduces the risks of developing heart disease.


The next time you want to eat salad, consider adding or making sure seaweed is part of the vegetables used in its preparation. Seaweed is the ideal option if you’re looking for healthy salad choices.

There are several health benefits you stand to gain from consuming seaweed as a salad, ranging from constant vitamins and minerals boost to promotion of thyroid function and supplying your body with the much-needed antioxidant.

The benefits listed above are some of the primary reasons why seaweed is a healthy salad choice.

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John Henning is a nutritionist, freelance writer, and food blogger that provides accessible nutrition info to help people live a healthier life. His unique approach to nutrition emphasizes nutrient-dense, whole foods and healthy habits rather than restrictive diets.
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