This is a very cool commercial and has a little bit of everything in it with using in This is a very cool commercial and has a little bit of everything in it with using in
many environments. Earlier this year I met Microsoft/XBOX Corporate VP Ilan Spillinger at the Israel Conference and heard his fascinating story on how the technology come to Microsoft and how it came across his path a couple of times before it got there. Check out the part to where the surgeon stop and runs over and looks at his images.
Physical Virtue Solution To Assess and Train Neck Disorders, Microsoft Kinect And More As Shown This Week at the Israel Conference
Here’s a couple more videos showing Kinect in Healthcare. We have a very expensive million dollar piece of surgical equipment working with a $150 X-box device, amazing. BD
Kinect And daVinci Surgical Robot Do Simulated Surgery Suturing Together (Video)
Microsoft Kinect Working with a PACS Server-Images on Steroids Via Gestures (Video)
One year ago this week, Xbox 360 set out to change the way we interact with games and entertainment with the launch of Kinect for Xbox 360. Sales immediately soared with more than 10 million Kinect sensors sold, setting the Guinness World Record as the fastest-selling consumer electronics device in 60 days along the way. But people were inspired not just to play; but also to discover, innovate and create. We call this “The Kinect Effect.”