Meet Makala Johnson, Mayo Clinic’s social media data geek. She was the first hire of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. After listening to her, you’ll understand why. She is the a lover of all things data and demonstrates a great skill at understanding the data metrics that should be tied to social media. She also lives the mission of the Mayo Clinic and is engaging, friendly and helpful. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below:

06/15/15 — A moment during Mayo Clinic’s “Bringing on the Social Media Revolution to Health Care” social media residency, presented by the Mayo Clinic Social Media Health Network at the Doubletree in Rochester, Minnesota on Monday, June 15, 2015. Follow along online using #MCCSM. Learn more at (Photo by Jason Pratt / Mayo Clinic)
Mayo Clinic believes in engagement
Metrics and analytics
How did the Center for Social Media get founded
How many team members in the social media effort at the Mayo Clinic?
Content submission guidelines
Ideas for content come from the whole system
Dr. Chuck Rosen – Celebrating moments at Mayo
Coordination and Cooperation
Reviewing content submission
Training for all employees
How many social accounts were active when the MCCSM was founded?
How are you keeping track of all your content
What management tool are you using?
Tool selection process?
Did you select an “off the shelf” tool or was it customized for MCCSM?
When do you need a management tool? Number of people using social media or the number of social media sites you’re managing?
Did you work with social media management tools before the creation of the CSM?
How do you differentiate between your personal and professional profiles?
How many social media accounts are there for the Mayo Clinic?
Who is the head of social media for all of Mayo Clinic? Lee Aase of course!
Have you had any rogue accounts?
She’s a data geek!
What are considered the “essential” metrics?
Can you track “save for later” posts?
Are you using Facebook tracking pixels?
Are you downloading the Facebook analytics report?
What are the benefits of using a social media management tool?
Standard response time to comments?
Did you get a demo of the social media platform?
Social Media Tip: Keith Boswell “Create a Content Library”
ANNOUNCEMENT! Get in on a pilot of the Get Social Health Academy
Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.