Your health changes after you turn forty and that is the time when you should start taking care of it seriously. Your body changes and so does your bones and from that point, your bone density starts to drop. Women are also at risk of osteoporosis and as they hit menopause their body stops producing estrogen and that affects their bones a lot. Women should start taking care of their bones from their twenties. However, it is never too late to start caring. This is a step by step guide for you to take care of your bones after you turn forty. We will guide you about everything from the food you should and the exercises you should do and everything in between. Bone Boosting Diet: Your diet plays a big role in your overall health. This is why you should eat healthily. Starting with the basics you need to take calcium rich food like dairy products. Try to stick low fat because the fat is not good for you in your forties. Fish is your friend and your bones love it especially Tuna, Mackerel, and salmon. Make fish a part of your diet and consume it at least twice a week. Vegetables should also be a part of your diet, vegetables that are a rich source of calcium are kale, okra, broccoli and turnips tomato and spinach are also good for you. One of these should be a part of your daily diet. Fruits are essential for you, take two bananas each day, take citrus rich fruits and berries. Apart from all this, you should also consider taking supplements in your thirties and forties. Identify The Risks: Your forties are the best time to identify the risk. Get yourself tested for osteoporosis it doesn?t matter if you are a man or a woman. It is not uncommon for men to have osteoporosis especially if you have a history of having low bone density and you hurt your bones frequently. The test is beneficial for you because it will tell you where you stand in terms of bone health. Even if you don?t have osteoporosis you may be really close on the threshold and once you know how close you are and how low is your bone density you will be able to take of it appropriately. Consult an orthopedist to get yourself tested for osteoporosis. Food And Drinks, You Should Avoid: When you are in your forties there are certain things you should avoid or take in moderation. Because the food and drinks mentioned below can aid in bone density loss and is harmful to you. Alcohol Is, Your Enemy: Alcohol has the ability to prevent your body from absorbing calcium so drinking too much will basically make all that calcium-rich food you have been taking useless. So, drink only in moderation. Stick one or two drinks per day. Salt Is Not Good For You: Salt just like alcohol prevents your body from absorbing calcium and aids to bone density loss. All the packaged and processed food are rich in sodium so you should avoid sausages and packaged canned food. Red Meat And Proteins: Protein is good for you but too much of it is not good for your bones and in your forties, you should take with a calcium-rich food so fish is better. Too much protein can aid in bone mass loss so you should stick to fish and cheese for your protein. 100 Percent Wheat Bran: Wheat is good if you are eating bread but 100 percent wheat bran contains phytates which stops your body from absorbing calcium or at least limit it. Try not to take 100% wheat bread and pure wheat brad cereals. If you do take calcium supplements before that meal. Drink Coffee And Tea In Moderation: Drinking coffee is amazing and you may not want to quit is just like that but coffee is not good for your bones as it aids in bone loss. You should stick one to two cups of coffee or tea a day. It is basically the caffeine in coffee and tea that is not good for you. Soft Drinks: The problem with soft drinks is that they are rich in artificial sugar and sweeteners which are not good for the overall health of your body and especially your bones. Moreover, some studies suggest that phosphorous in soft drinks can aid to bone loss. Exercise: There are a lot of exercises can help prevent bone loss. Some of them are listed Below Strength Training: Weight-bearing exercises are good for you. Train with weights and get yourself a trainer who can guide you on what to do and how to do it. Walking And Jogging: You should get to outdoors more especially in the morning. Jogging outdoors in the sun will not only help you absorb vitamin D from the sun but walking and jogging will also strengthen your bones. Swimming: Swimming is an excellent exercise for people who are forty and above as it is low impact but still very effective. As swimming engages your whole body it makes your bones stronger and your body more flexible. Making it harder for your bones to break. Yoga: Yoga is great for you because it makes your body flexible and again making it harder for your bones to break. Yoga is also great for your overall bone health. Prevent Your Chances Of Falling If You Have Osteoporosis: Because if you have osteoporosis your bones are weak and prone to breakage. Walk and run with caution remove clutter that will make your trip. It sounds funny but even the slightest fall can break your bones. Final Thoughts If you follow all these steps and especially incorporate two of these exercise into your routine you can prevent yourself from bone density loss and reverse your osteoporosis if you have it. Your health should be the only focus in your forties and forward.
How To Take Care Of Your Bone Health In Your Forties
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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.