How To Know When It’s Time For A Post Festivities Detox

5 Min Read

  Now that the recent festive season is over, you may feel it’s time for a detox. This can be a bit daunting, but you needn’t be too hard on yourself. Easing into healthy habits will soon get you feeling and looking healthier. It may take some time to adjust after indulging in holiday treats, but be sure to stick to your plan and you will start to see results within a couple of days. If you really think the partying has gone beyond the festive period and you are looking to put an end to a problem, you may need a more thorough drug and alcohol detox if so, be sure to check out the AddictionVA. Otherwise if you just need a regular health reset, here are some tips to get you started on the right path.

Drink Lots of Water

The first and easiest step you can take to get back to well-being is to drink lots of water. This sweeps away toxins and clears out your system. You should ideally drink 8 8-ounce glasses each day. Flushing your system out with water will also get rid of any bloating.

Take a Bath

Bathing in Epsom salts will also help you detox your body. It is a lovely, relaxing way to indulge in comfort. You only need about a tablespoon. Set aside personal time, put on some music, and enjoy your new routine.

Do Some Light Exercise

The most daunting part of getting back into a healthy routine is easing up to exercise. If you push yourself to run too far, lift too much or stretch deeply too soon, you can run the risk of not only disappointing yourself but also causing injury. Start slowly, gently. Try going for a short walk in your favorite park, on the beach, or even down your most beloved avenue. Do some light stretches like reaching down to your toes, lifting your arms above your head, stretching over from side to side. Leave the squats and abdominal reps for a little later. The most important thing is to do physical activities you enjoy. If you feel good, you will want to do more. After a couple of days of reawakening your body to movement, you will start to feel ready for the next step.

Get Some Sleep

You probably stayed up late during your Christmas and New Year celebrations, right? Now that we are settling down you can get back into a sleep routine. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night – nine is better. Get into bed half an hour to 45 minutes before you turn out the light so that you have time to wind down and get into the mindset for sleep. Going to bed and waking up early will also help you to get into a good rhythm and it will make you feel more productive.

Cut Out the Alcohol

Consciously cut out or minimize your alcohol consumption. Alcohol has a lot of empty calories and sulphide can make you feel a bit achy. Try to replace your glass of wine with a cup of your favorite tea. You will be surprised at how much better you feel.

Eat Right

Changing your diet from all the rich stuff to a more ascetic diet may also seem a bit unnerving, but it needn’t be. Listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs. Pick a fruit or two that you like and have at least two portions a day. Select the veggies you like as well, there is no need to force yourself to eat what ‘is good for you’. If it creates anxiety and stress, then it isn’t all that good for you!


A transition to healthier habits can often be very helpful post celebration. Let us if these choices are helpful for you!

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