How to Increase Your Metabolism: Best Ways to Burn More Fat

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Metabolism is often a concern for those wanting to lose or maintain weight. Carrying excess weight can often lead to health risks. It is also a growing problem with an estimated 42.4% of the US population falling in the obese category. Much of this can be resolved through exercise and diet. However, just 19.3% of Americans engage in sporting activities or exercise. Some of the reasons given for this include lacking enough time and simply being too tired. When it comes to diet, weight gain is often attributed to eating poor quality food in excessive portions.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to chemical reactions in the body that keep it functioning. It is also used interchangeably with the term metabolic rate, which is the pace at which the body burns calories. The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose. For those that are overweight and obese, finding ways to boost metabolism can help them better shed weight.

How does metabolism work?

The chemical reactions that keep the body functioning are what allow us to breathe, walk, digest food, heal from injuries, and more. For these processes to take place, they require energy. Our basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy the body needs to execute these basic functions. Those with a high BMR or metabolism use up more energy than those with a slower metabolism. Metabolism is what burns up the calories that are converted to energy.

How to Speed Up Metabolism?

Our physiologies are all different, making it difficult to alter metabolism. The main factors that influence BMR include gender, body fat, muscle mass, and age. These factors and genetics are something we cannot control. You can however manage the number of calories your body will burn by increasing your level of physical activity and careful control of diet. The quality and quantity of food you eat affect metabolism.

You can further help yourself by including supplements like C60 coconut oil that contain high levels of antioxidants which combat the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals interfere with chemical reactions in the body, leading to problems such as reduced metabolism, poor sleep, and stress. By addressing such problems, you should enjoy benefits such as your metabolism being reset, easier weight loss, better rest, and improved mental health. 

How to Burn Fat?

Build Muscle Mass

Muscle mass is a physical condition that promotes a higher BMR. Increasing your muscle mass is a good way to improve metabolism and burn more calories. Make strength and resistance training a regular part of your workout to build more muscle. This should be coupled with regular cardio activity to help keep lean and promote more weight loss.

Drink More Cold Water

Hydration is important for replenishing lost fluids when you exercise. Opt for cold water rather than sugary drinks. Water has been found to help boost resting metabolism by as much as 25% for about an hour afterward. When cold, more energy is expended to warm it up to body temperature, helping to further elevate metabolism.

Control Your Stress Levels

Supplements like C60 coconut oil are a healthy option for reducing stress. It will allow you to enjoy better rest and improved mental wellbeing. C60 promotes better brain function which can relieve stress. The less stress you feel, the better sleep you will enjoy and more control you have over your weight as you will be more easily inclined to eat healthily rather than indulge in comfort foods. Stress can also elevate cortisol levels, which is a hormone that can disrupt a healthy appetite. C60 can also relieve muscle tension that will make physical activity easier.

Do a High-Intensity Workout

High-intensity exercises involve combining periods of low-intensity training with higher intensity workouts. This is more effective at boosting metabolism than steady workouts like just running or swimming. The body continues to keep burning fat even after the workout session is over.

Get Enough Sleep

Poor sleep has been linked to obesity, insulin resistance, and high blood sugar levels. It also promotes the production of hormones that affect appetite, causing many people to feel hunger. Getting a good night’s sleep can help relieve these problems, making it easier to eat healthy, exercise, and improve metabolism. C60 is a supplement that helps to both reduce stress and improve sleep, which can lead to better metabolism and better calorie burn.

How to Get a Fast Metabolism?

While there is not much you can do at a genetic level to alter metabolism, there are ways you can prime your body to kick start it. Making smart food choices, building muscle mass, and boosting the intensity of workouts are good options. Taking C60 will also help support the chemical processes in the body that can influence metabolism and calorie burn. They help to reduce harm from free radicals and toxins, relieve stress, and promote better sleep. All of which are actions that can enhance BMR. 


Healthy changes to diet and lifestyle can do much to boost metabolism. When supported by powerful supplements like C60, the results can be even better. If you are carrying some excess weight, consider these healthy options that will help increase your calorie burn and enable you to achieve your target weight faster.

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By Ryan Kh
Ryan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Email:
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