How To Make Dental Veneers Last a Lifetime

Achieve permanent perfection with our guide on maintaining durable dental veneers. Keep your smile flawless for life!

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Dental veneers are thin shells custom-made to snugly cover your teeth’s front surface. They’re typically used by people with unpleasant teeth conditions like gaps, chips, unevenness, misalignment, discoloration, and stains. The most commonly used materials for veneers are porcelain and composite resin. 

Many people presume they’re set for life once they invest in dental veneers and get that awesome smile. No-prep veneers can last up to 20 years, while composite veneers have a lifespan of five years and porcelain veneers 10 years. However, they may start wearing out soon after installation, and you’re left wondering how the time, money, and energy you spent is vanishing. 

According to the American Dental Association, veneers can set you back USD$925 to USD$2,000 per tooth. The cost depends on location, dentist experience, and how complex your condition is, among other factors. Moreover, dental insurance doesn’t usually cover veneers. With such costs, you can’t take chances once you get your veneers fixed.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to enhance their longevity. This article outlines seven practical tips to help you achieve it. Read on!

1.     Go for regular dental checkups

Dentists can help you identify minor issues with your dental veneers, and these can transform into costlier issues. Catching them early enough and addressing the problems as soon as possible keep the veneers in prime condition. So, it helps to visit the dentist regularly, preferably every six months, as widely recommended. 

At the clinic, the dentist will clean around the veneers using special tools to remove buildup. They’ll also assess how firmly they’re attached and fix any loose ones. You’ll also get an expert’s opinion on whether you’re taking good care of your veneers or are lagging.

Your doctor will advise you on practical steps to follow to safeguard your dental veneers.

2.     Adopt a veneer-friendly diet

The food you eat determines the longevity of your dental veneers. For instance, coffee and wine can stain them. If you find it hard to cut on drinks that stain, a worthwhile alternative is drinking with a straw. This way, the beverage doesn’t come into contact with the veneers, leaving the surface shiny. 

Moreover, hard candies might crack the veneers. Crunchy foods like popcorn and nuts can also physically damage them. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits can loosen the attachment between the teeth and veneers.  

Knowing the foods that can easily damage your dental veneers is critical. But it doesn’t mean you entirely avoid them. You can exercise extra caution when eating these foods for guaranteed durability. 

3.     Practice good oral hygiene

You must brush and floss your dental veneers daily, just like you would your natural teeth. Failure to do so leads to a buildup of plaque and bacteria, which can lead to gum disease and bad breath. Although veneers don’t rot, the natural teeth beneath can still decay if food particles get trapped between them and the coating. Poor oral hygiene can also rid these coverings of their luster. 

Clean your teeth everyday. And while at it, go for veneer-friendly dental products that don’t scratch. Non-abrasive toothpastes are your go-to option. Also, use soft-bristled brushes, which are gentler on your veneers. 

Another worthwhile consideration is using mouthwashes. Just ensure they’re free from alcohol, which can weaken the bond holding the veneers. It can also lead to discoloration. The products should also be free from harsh chemicals, which can dull the veneers’ shine. You’ll always see ‘veneer-friendly’ on typical dental products, making your shopping easy. 

4.     Avoid destructive habits

Some habits can compromise your veneers’ durability. These include biting nails, opening soda bottles using your teeth, chewing on ice cubes, using teeth to cut thread, and chewing on pens or other hard items. The pressure on the dental veneers leads to chips and cracks, and can even disarrange them. 

It takes conscious effort to stop such habits. For instance, you may want to apply bitter-tasting nail polish to dissuade you from biting your nails. For the bottle-opening habit, it might be as simple as purchasing a bottle opener and carrying it always. And for pen chewers, you may want to purchase chewable jewelry to redirect the urge. You can also take your efforts a notch higher by using visual reminders to aid your resolve to stop such habits.

5.     Use a night guard

The grinding of teeth while asleep, also known as bruxism, affects 5-30% of the global population. As it happens subconsciously, the pressure can get high enough to crack and chip the veneers. An excellent solution to this problem is wearing a night guard to separate the upper and lower teeth. 

Night guards are typically made of soft or hard plastic, usually acrylic or other plastic polymers. You can even have one tailor-made for you to perfectly fit your teeth contours for a more comfortable feel. The over-the-counter varieties may not fit so snugly.


Dental veneers are a modern solution for concealing cosmetic dental imperfections and improving teeth functions, but they’re only as effective as your maintenance practices. Proper care of these coverings enhances their durability, ensuring they attain and surpass their average lifespan. Make use of the tips above to care for your precious investment the proper way, so you can enjoy its benefits for long.

Dental veneers are expensive, and you wouldn’t want your money to go down the drain. So, be proactive in protecting them from harm, and they’ll serve you for many years.

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Aaron Casselman is a medical writer based in central Minnesota, specializing in bioinformatics. With my Master's Degree in bioinformatics, he brings unique insights into topics related to medicine and health.
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