I. Personal health management (max 50 points):
Health systems support personal health management by providing patients with information and tools needed for self care such as patient portals and electronic libraries of health content. Maximum points are awarded to health systems that not only offer electronic access to patient health records, but also provide resources needed for the day-to-day management of disease. The best health systems offered these tools via the device of the patient’s choice: desktop, tablet, and mobile. This information is gathered from publicly available websites and mobile applications.
II. Patient satisfaction (max 25 points):
This category is based on response from public patient satisfaction data collected by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) . The HCAHPS data is an attempt to provide a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients’ perspectives on hospital care. Points awarded in this category are directly driven by HCAHPS performance.
III. Social media engagement (max 25 points):
Social engagement is the the extent to which health systems engage with their communities via social networking channels. Maximum points are awarded to health systems that not only have a social media presence, but also have engaged a relatively large audience that expresses positive sentiment towards the health system.
To see how your state compares, visit the links below. If your state isn’t represented yet, check back periodically.
California Hospital Patient Engagement Index
Texas Hospital Patient Engagement Index
Florida Hospital Patient Engagement Index
(Patient satisfaction / shutterstock)