Next Tuesday, February 21st, HealthWorks Collective will host Grand Rounds. Grand Rounds is the weekly summary of the best healthcare writing online, featuring stories, opinion and analysis from doctors, nurses, patients, researchers and administrators, as well as journalists. Each Tuesday, a different blogger takes the helm, publishing a new edition of Grand Rounds on their site.

Next Tuesday, February 21st, HealthWorks Collective will host Grand Rounds. Grand Rounds is the weekly summary of the best healthcare writing online, featuring stories, opinion and analysis from doctors, nurses, patients, researchers and administrators, as well as journalists. Each Tuesday, a different blogger takes the helm, publishing a new edition of Grand Rounds on their site. Each edition features the host’s picks for the ten best healthcare links of the week. This week, the Valentine Edition was fittingly hosted by cardiologist, DrJohnM
This is the first time I have hosted Grand Rounds and I am both excited and honored! I will choose a very loose theme of connectivity. I like the idea of networking, collaboration, partnering, teamwork, information exchange, connections of any kind. Please email the posts to me at joan@socialmediatoday.com by Sunday, Feb 19th at 11pm. The mention “Grand Rounds Submission” should be in the email subject. Any regular contributors to HealthWorks Collective are also welcome to submit to Grand Rounds. Just please alert me asap and email your post to me directly. I will take your post out of the queue at HWC and place it with the other Grand Rounds submissions. If chosen, it will appear as a link directly to your website in the Grand Round post on Feb 21st.
For more details, schedule, instructions, etc, on Grand Rounds in general, click here
Thank You All!