HealthCamp Boston 2012: Brainstorming the Future of Healthcare

3 Min Read

I am on the organizing committee for HealthCamp Boston, which will roll into town on Friday, September 14th. You should be there! 

I am on the organizing committee for HealthCamp Boston, which will roll into town on Friday, September 14th. You should be there! 

HealthCamp Boston is a forum for people with interest in all areas of health and wellness to gather, to generate ideas, and to take practical steps towards building the future of health care. HealthCamps are different from traditional conferences where speakers talk at you. At HealthCamp Boston, an “unconference,” attendees set the agenda, and all contribute to the event according to their interests.

The Boston area is a center of innovation for all aspects of health care, so you can be certain that people at HealthCamp Boston will be discussing things like:

– Big Data in health care

– Improving engagement and outcomes through mobile devices and social media

– Personalized medicine and translational medicine

– Empowered patients

– Practical impacts of health care reform

– and more…

Join us on September 14th and be part of the conversation with academics, industry experts, innovators, investors, analysts, and engaged patients.

Register here: You can see a list of registrants to date as well.

We are looking for sponsors that may be interested in presenting “4×4” sessions — 4 slides, 4 minutes, presenting a current issue or problem, which, along with a “firestarter” panel, will help get the juices flowing.

This year’s HealthCamp Boston is scheduled as a lead-in to Medicine 2.0.  If you are coming to town for Medicine 2.0, come a day early and join HealthCamp.  If you are local and would like to join in the fun, come to HealthCamp.

If you’re coming and would like to introduce yourself, answer the questions posed in this email interview of a camper and email them to me (it is not hard to find my email address) — we’ll post them at

Please share/post as appropriate.

I look forward to seeing you at HealthCamp Boston 2012.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

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DAVID HARLOW is Principal of The Harlow Group LLC, a health care law and consulting firm based in the Hub of the Universe, Boston, MA. His thirty years’ experience in the public and private sectors affords him a unique perspective on legal, policy and business issues facing the health care community. David is adept at assisting clients in developing new paradigms for their business organizations, relationships and processes so as to maximize the realization of organizational goals in a highly regulated environment, in realms ranging from health data privacy and security to digital health strategy to physician-hospital relationships to the avoidance of fraud and abuse. He's been called "an expert on HIPAA and other health-related law issues [who] knows more than virtually anyone on those topics.” ( His award-winning blog, HealthBlawg, is highly regarded in both the legal and health policy blogging worlds. David is a charter member of the external Advisory Board of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network and has served as the Public Policy Chair of the Society for Participatory Medicine, on the Health Law Section Council of the Massachusetts Bar Association and on the Advisory Board of FierceHealthIT. He speaks regularly before health care and legal industry groups on business, policy and legal matters. You should follow him on Twitter.
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