The Government’s Diet Advice Is Not Evidence-Based

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More recent research has further undermined the cholesterol-as-bad-guy hypothesis. Scientific American summed up the disturbing state of the evidence in April 2010… The magazine cited a meta-analysis — that is, a combination of data from several large studies — of the dietary habits of 350,000 people worldwide…which found no association between the consumption of saturated fats and heart disease…


More recent research has further undermined the cholesterol-as-bad-guy hypothesis. Scientific American summed up the disturbing state of the evidence in April 2010… The magazine cited a meta-analysis — that is, a combination of data from several large studies — of the dietary habits of 350,000 people worldwide…which found no association between the consumption of saturated fats and heart disease…


Several top medical scientists have concluded that the government’s carb-heavy guidelines may actually have harmed public health… Men, for instance, cut their fat intake from 37 percent of their daily calories to 32 percent and increased their carbohydrate intake from 42 percent to 49 percent. Yet over the same three decades, the fraction of American men who were overweight or obese increased from 53 percent of the population to about 69 percent.

Full article on how Washington’s diet plan can make you fat and sick.


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