Glass in the OR

2 Min Read

Two weeks ago, at the eyeforpharma event in Philadelphia, one of the speakers questioned the viability of Google Glass stating: “….nobody is going to wear these things….”

In my presentation, I challenged this assertion, predicting that these would be first used by First Responders and then within the surgical suite within the next 2 years. Well, clearly I WAS WRONG.

Two weeks ago, at the eyeforpharma event in Philadelphia, one of the speakers questioned the viability of Google Glass stating: “….nobody is going to wear these things….”

In my presentation, I challenged this assertion, predicting that these would be first used by First Responders and then within the surgical suite within the next 2 years. Well, clearly I WAS WRONG.

Last Thursday, Dr. Raphael Grossman made history by being the first (attributable) user of Google Glass to record a surgical procedure. While this is not exactly the use case I envisioned, it sets the stage for this transformative technology to become part of everyday life for specific, information intensive occupations.

The challenge for us as marketers is to produce “liquid content” that will adapt to this new form factor.

As an aside, I am at the PanAgora Pharma event in NYC — in the audience: the first Glass wearer I have seen in public.

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