General Skin Care Tips Dermatologists Want You to Know

James Wilson
5 Min Read
Shutterstock Photo License - By puhhha

If you want the very best general skincare tips, you need to get advice from dermatologists. Well, that is precisely what we have done for you. By following the skincare tips recommended by dermatologists below, you could have healthy and radiant skin for years to come.

Go with Product Quality, Not Quantity

If you think using lots of different skincare products will work better than just one, you need to think again. Using too many products is a big no-no according to dermatologists. Why? Because it can have the opposite effect to what you were hoping to achieve. When you use too many different skincare products, you can end up with more clogged pores and breakouts of things like whiteheads and blackheads. If you suffer from a skincare condition like acne, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation, you need to be even more careful about which products you put on your skin. That is why dermatologists recommend going with personalized skincare treatments, such as those from Nava MD. With a personalized approach from qualified dermatologists, the right custom skincare product for your condition can be tailored just for you.

Moisturize Twice Daily

As long as you are not using numerous products, you need to ensure you moisturize twice a day as part of their skin care routine. Moisturize your face with a quality product as soon as you get out of the shower in the morning and moisturize again before you go to bed.

Eat Healthily

Nutrition is vital for good health. When you do not eat healthily, you cannot only put on weight and damage your metabolism, you can also damage your skin. What you eat significantly affects the aging and health of your skin. Dermatologists recommend eating fruits and vegetables of myriad bright colors. They contain antioxidants and give the skin a slight glow. Other foods that could help you to maintain clear skin include fatty fish, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, and nuts and seeds, which are great sources of skin-boosting nutrients.

Cut Down on Added Sugars

Speaking of eating healthily, you may know that the US Food and Drug Administration recommends the number of added sugars you eat, which are the sorts found in processed foods, should not exceed 10% of your daily caloric input. But added sugars are not only bad for you from a nutritional point of view. Dermatologists also recommend cutting down on added sugars because the sugar molecules can stiffen collagen, which is the protein that helps your skin to stay healthy. Too many added sugars in your diet can also lead to gaining wrinkles.

Stay Hydrated

Water is good for just about everything. After all, up to 60% of the adult human body is made up of water, so it is vital you stay hydrated for many medical reasons. With regards to skin specifically, if you do not drink enough water each day, your skin can lose its radiance and begin to sag. So, make sure you drink around eight glasses of water each day. You may also want to consider using cleansing and moisturizing products that have hydrating formulas.

Exfoliate Regularly

By exfoliating, you clean up dead skin cells and also create a more radiant complexion, so it is no wonder that dermatologists universally recommended exfoliating regularly. Exfoliating also gets rid of excess oil and clogged pores that can lead to acne and blemishes. However, take care when you exfoliate. If you use harsh beady scrubs, you could experience irritation, and it could even lead to scarring. Stick with gentle exfoliants like cleansers with lactic acid or glycolic acid peels. Aim to exfoliate two or three times a week, and it will not be long before you notice the difference in your skin’s health.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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