New York and New Jersey are the first 2 target clinic areas for distribution by LifeSciences for the NoTouch BreastScan device. and the company is also working on a hand held sensor to detect early breast cancer. This looks to be very well designed. One other real benefit is not having to worry about radiation exposure as the site says it can be done as many times as needed.
New York and New Jersey are the first 2 target clinic areas for distribution by LifeSciences for the NoTouch BreastScan device. and the company is also working on a hand held sensor to detect early breast cancer. This looks to be very well designed. One other real benefit is not having to worry about radiation exposure as the site says it can be done as many times as needed.
Now the site also says that the exam is complimentary to mammograms and ultrasounds, so being new we don’t know what the comparison rate is for accuracy and they are not pushing as a replacement, at least not yet which is probably ok as there’s more information needed which takes time to compile of course. BD
From the website:
“NoTouch BreastScan™ is an FDA cleared, adjunctive screening exam for the detection of breast cancer. As the name suggests, it does not require physical contact and does not make use of radiation. This quick, 10 minute exam, without pain or discomfort, creates a thermographic map of the breasts and looks for signs of developing breast cancer.
It can be offered to all women (starting at age 18) to manage their breast health on a regular basis without any pain/discomfort or concern of radiation exposure.
NoTouch BreastScan™ is the most advanced breast thermography solution. It incorporates computer software that is able to analyze very small changes (at pixel level) in heat patterns of the breasts and report these findings on a software generated report. In other words, no manual interpretation of data is necessary by a thermographer/thermologist.”
PHILADELPHIA–(EON: Enhanced Online News)–UE LifeSciences Inc. (UELS), a medical device manufacturer focused on providing novel breast cancer screening solutions, announced today that it has received market clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its NoTouch BreastScan™ device. NoTouch BreastScan™ is a contactless breast-imaging tool cleared by the FDA specifically for adjunctive diagnostic screening for the detection of breast cancer. 
“NoTouch BreastScan™ does not discriminate dense breast tissue, which is good news for tens of millions of women in America”
NoTouch BreastScan™ is the first fully computerized functional infrared imaging system that incorporates patent pending dual-infrared detector design. Unlike most breast thermography solutions, NoTouch BreastScan™ does not require manual interpretation of thermal data; instead, it dynamically analyzes temperature pixels from various infrared frames to create a real-time objective report for the doctor.