The X-Ray even had the tail in the picture. The doctor had been under surveillance and the patient bringing in the x-ray of the dog was an under cover cop.
The X-Ray even had the tail in the picture. The doctor had been under surveillance and the patient bringing in the x-ray of the dog was an under cover cop. The doctor had been in trouble before and the LA Times had a picture of the image below. BD
GLENDORA, Calif. — Investigators say a Southern California doctor saw enough from an X-ray to prescribe pain killers to an undercover cop but missed the tail showing it was an image of a dog.
Police and Los Angeles County deputies on Thursday raided the Glendora urgent care clinic of 69-year-old Dr. Rolando Lodevico Atiga after a two-month investigation that included three undercover deputies posing as patients.
One of the undercover deputies showed Atiga an X-ray to prove she needed pain killers. The scan of her German shepherd clearly shows the dog’s tail.