A huge thank you from Doctors 2.0 & You to the entire iHealth team for running the walking challenge at the 4th edition. Special thank you to Uwe Diegel for untiringly reminding us that we must take charge of our health, in fun, positive ways.

The headline of

A huge thank you from Doctors 2.0 & You to the entire iHealth team for running the walking challenge at the 4th edition. Special thank you to Uwe Diegel for untiringly reminding us that we must take charge of our health, in fun, positive ways.

The headline of the challenge is that more than a million steps were taken in two days, by those who wore the iHealth activity trackers. Even more importantly, this event within the event was an introduction to the world of better preventive health through the concept of quantified self! Quantified self is all about the people who try their hardest to improve themselves. A big round of applause to the top 3 “Walkers”, Nuno España, PY Altman, Beate Bartes.