Common Obstacles That May Be Stopping You From Living a Healthy Lifestyle

4 Min Read

Most of us understand the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. We may enjoy better mental health, reduced disease risk, more energy, and a healthy weight. Yet, only around half of Americans say they are healthy eaters, and less than half are meeting the CDC’s Physical Activity Guidelines. 

Knowledge is power. If you know what’s standing in your way of achieving a healthy lifestyle, you may be better positioned to make positive steps toward a happier, healthier you. 


It’s not uncommon to feel fatigued after a hard day of work. Exercising may be the last thing on your mind. However, there are many things you can do to prevent fatigue from being a workout barrier. For example, you might start researching stim vs. non-stim pre-workouts to find supplements for working out that can give you more energy and focus. You might also change the time of the day you work out. Rather than aiming for after work, exercise before you go to work. You can then come home and relax, knowing you’ve already achieved your daily fitness goals.

A Lack of Time

With such busy professional and personal lives, it’s easy to feel like there simply aren’t enough hours to devote to a healthy lifestyle. You might pick up takeout when you don’t have time to cook and skip a trip to the gym because you’ve had a busy day. 

There’s no denying that working long hours and caring for our families can leave us with very little free time. However, there’s always time for physical activity, especially when it can benefit our health

You might walk or cycle to work instead of driving or walking on a treadmill in front of the TV at night. You may even see the value in an hour-long aerobics class instead of that same hour spent scrolling on social media.

No Accountability

You might know you want to lose weight and feel healthier, but achieving those goals can sometimes be challenging when you don’t have anyone to answer to. The only person expecting you to achieve those goals is yourself. As a result, it’s not uncommon to give up on your healthy lifestyle goals altogether.

Fortunately, that can change when you share your goals with others. You may feel motivated to keep eating a healthy diet and sticking to an exercise routine if you have a support group on the journey with you. 

No Resources or Equipment

Gyms are well-equipped for people to achieve their fitness goals. The average person’s kitchen also has appliances and utensils to prepare delicious and nutritious meals. If a lack of resources and equipment is stopping you from improving your lifestyle, you have options. 

There are many different equipment-free workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home and neighborhood, such as walking, running, burpees, and press-ups. You can also prepare nutrient-rich meals with a simple hot plate, frying pan, and fresh ingredients. 

There’s no denying that we have to make sacrifices in the name of healthy living. Still, common barriers can be easily overcome with a few changes. If these obstacles have been holding you back, you have plenty of solutions to make some valuable life changes.

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