Comic Book Explains, Advocates Health Care Reform

2 Min Read



The health care overhaul is complex. It’s confusing. There are multiple misconceptions about it.

So Jonathan Gruber decided to set the record straight in simple fashion: a comic book.

It’s classified as a “graphic novel,” illustrated by award-winning artist Nathan Schreiber. But it’s not fiction.

In fewer than 150 pages, the two combined their expertise in “Health Care Reform: What it is. Why it’s necessary. How it works.”

The paperback volume is a primer to help people understand — and buy into — the ideas contained in the Affordable Care Act.

There’s no question that Gruber, a professor of economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is an advocate of the changes.

He is director of the health care program at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was the main designer of Massachusetts’ health care law. The Obama administration consulted him to help construct the national act. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine.

Gruber walks the reader through the situations fostered for each in today’s health insurance climate and explains the financial consequences. Then he presents a case for the changes envisioned by the Affordable Care Act.

Read more here:

Perhaps Congress should have read this before they voted:

Now even doctors can understand the  new law.


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