Latest Wellness News
Better Health, One Step at a Time
I’m usually a touch overcommitted. There are so many exciting things to…
The Irony of Workplace Wellness
The cycle: The cycle: 1. Work and the workplace environment causes STRESS.Unreasonable expectations,…
Preventive Aging
Does old age necessarily mean declining health and cognition or can…
Get Moving For National Senior Health & Fitness Day!
May 30th marks the 19th annual National Senior Health & Fitness Day…
Innovative Ways for Older Americans to be Never too Old to Play
Finding ourselves on the cusp of the close of Older Americans…
The Doctors and Richard Simmons
The Doctors have been focused on exercise this month and I thought…
Calcium Supplements May be Bad for Your Heart. Or not.
I feel caught between the proverbial rock and hard place. A new…
The Organic Foods Scam
Byron Caplan wants to know why the organic foods market is growing…
Eating Well After Stroke: Tips for Dealing With Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia) and Post-Stroke Eating Problems
Eating well after stroke is key to successful recovery. After all,…