Latest Wellness News
Embracing Change for Healthcare Transformation
With thousands flocking to Chicago for the annual ACHE Congress on Healthcare…
Being Both “Fat” and Fit: Information About BMI and Fitness
It’s true that someone can have a body mass index (BMI) in…
Alzheimer’s, Anticipatory Grief, and Ambiguous Loss: Saying Goodbye But Still Here
As a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s Disease, you may often find…
Mummies and Ancient Aleut People with Heart Disease? It Isn’t Modern Diets That are the Problem?
The recent study that came out showing that ancient people had heart…
Traumatic Brain Injury and Violent Behavior
According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is…
The Mid-Life Crisis Strikes Apes, Too
From Nature: A study of 508 great apes in captivity shows that the…
HIMSS 2013: Mayhem or Magic?
With the closing of the HIMSS13 annual conference, I am reminded of…
Meat and Mortality: Does Eating Meat Decrease Your Lifespan?
Does eating red meat decrease your lifespan? This is a discussion that…