Latest Technology News
Disruptive Health Technology: The Patient
It was a Harvard Business School professor, in 1997, who coined the…
Technology Migration in Global Wound Closure Markets
Drawn from our recent report on the global market for wound closure…
Exponential Learning at Exponential Medicine
This week I had the honor to attend and serve as faculty…
Is a Slide Presentation a Worthy Medical Device Marketing Tool?
How important is it to add a slide program to your marketing…
Marketing Home Health Care: A Major Opportunity in the United States
We write a lot about technology and health care here, because I…
Finding the Solutions to Big Data Security Concerns
The healthcare industry is in the midst of some rapid changes. Technology…
Sensors Offer New Power to Improve Health
Have you ever thought about how we evolved and the implications for…
Is Meaningful Use Working? How Can Innovators Encourage EHR Adoption?
Earlier this year NueMD created a nice looking Meaningful Use Infographic — asking…
Diagnostic Reading: Five Must-Read Articles from the Past Week
This week’s Diagnostic Readings include a preview of the 2014 RSNA conference,…
MediSafe’s Custom Feed Creates Better Health Engagement, On the Go
Your Facebook News Feed is customized based on your interests and the…