How Google is Pushing Healthcare Innovation
Google is the number 3 most valuable brand in the world! It…
The Bionic Man Makes History in Mind-Controlled Prosthetics
When Les Baugh was 17 years old, his step brother bet him…
A New Kind of Stress Test
Readers of this blog, and those with whom I have shared my…
How Technology Bolsters Patient Care
An ever-faster development cycle in the technology space is transforming every aspect…
Mobile Health and Data Safety: Convenience vs. Privacy
Technology may be revolutionizing the healthcare industry but while mobile health applications…
Telemedicine Requires Optimism and Patience: Dispatches from American Telemedicine 2015
The 21st annual American Telemedicine Conference wrapped up last week in Los…
The Healthcare Omnichannel Challenge
While e-commerce and online banking have given their respective industries a significant…
Irony and the Church of Big Data
Big Data in medicine is a faith-based initiative. True believers know, deep…
BioPharma Beat: mHealth Apps – to Regulate or Not to Regulate
As healthcare apps for mobile devices continue to proliferate, soon to be…
A Starter-Pack of Tips for Social-Media-Shy Doctors
It seems that consumers have collectively decided about social media and health…