Latest Technology News
Promoting Healthcare Innovation Through Challenges
Innovation in healthcare is now pervasive. To continue the wave of innovation,…
Where is the Potential for Improving Wound Closure and Management?
A driving force in medtech development is one that creates incentive for…
New Test For Prostate Cancer Is More Specific and Reduces False-Positives
The A+PSA test measures levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) as…
E-Prescribing: Garbage In, Garbage Out
Hoping to reduce medication errors and contain health care costs, policy makers…
Can Technology Motivate Healthy Behavior? – HealthTech 2011
@MichaelSheeley #ciht11 Lots of cool & innovation going on in the health &…
Radiofrequency Ablation Market Continued Growth Strong Globally
As mentioned earlier, the radiofrequency (RF) market is one of the largest…
FDA Asks Manufacturers of Hip Replacements To Study Failure Rates
The point of the study is to find out how fast and…
Diseases, Trauma and Technologies for Spine Surgery
The human spine is one of the primary support structures for the…
Patient-Centric Care at the Hub of Telehealth
The conundrum continued behind conference doors last week at the American…
Study: Liposuction’s Benefits Are Only Temporary
In the study, the . . . fat came back after it…