Latest Technology News
Imagine: EMRs Without Big Brother
I now have more health information on my wrist than my doctor…
New Technologies at Medtech Startups, June 2011
Below is a list of the technologies under development at newly identified…
Using Stem Cells to Treat Chronic Lower Back Pain
Just from the title of this one I would think this trial…
Clinical Trials Managed in “The Cloud?”
The fundamental concept of cloud computing dates back to the 1960s, when…
Healthcare Data Security: How Bad is it?
It is really bad, according to a recent survey by the Ponemon…
Push Accelerates for Artificial Pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes
By recently releasing guidelines for premarket approval and investigation device exemption of…
In-Home Care Goes High Tech
The lab includes a “model home” to test new gadgets. One is…
F.D.A. Approves Stem Cell Therapy to Reduce Facial Wrinkles
Stem cell research is hot, no matter which way you look at…
GAO: FDA Can’t Monitor Device Recalls
The Government Accountability Office has weighed in on the failure of the…