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$50k Available for Your Health IT Startup Ideas
This morning I spoke with the founders of HealthBox, a business incubator…
Verisante Technologies Detects Skin Cancer in Less Than A Second
OneMedRadio interviewed Thomas Braun, CEO of Verisante Technologies , a medical device…
Registries for Breast Implants?
I’m sorry I couldn’t attend the Food and Drug Administration advisory committee…
Spine Surgery Largely Unfazed by Recent Market Challenges
Few medical device markets have demonstrated the kind of staying power —…
Windows Phone + Windows7 + Kinect + Surface + Speech Recognition – Wicked Technology and Integration
Wicked is about the best word I could come up with here.…
Yes, “Too Big” Can be a Problem in Device & Diagnostics Companies, Too
This morning, Luke Timmerman of Xconomy wrote about “The Fall of Pfizer:…
Eyeborg–A Prosthetic Eye That Records and Streams Video (Video)
This is a video worth watching as this is amazing how he…
Stem Cells Extracted from Fat Save Patient from Amputation – Video
This is some pretty amazing technology with what they were able to…
On Patenting Genes and Their Correlations: It’s a Chicken-Egg Problem
Last month, my colleague Shane Climie wrote a post inspired by an article in the New…
CMS’ Noncompetitive Bidding Process
Last Friday, CMS announced that it will be expanding its durable medical…