How Computers Keep Us Alive
Medical technology has changed the way we live, work, and do business.…
5 Tips for Using an EMR to Increase Profitability
Since the electronic medical records (EMR) market (read more here) continues to…
Your Health is What You Drive: Digital Health in the Driver’s Seat
One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role in my organization…
Chancellor Hints at Regenerative Medicine #regenmed Anouncement
This is extracted from Osborne's speech today on science and its importance…
Dealing with the Growing Power of “Medical Googlers”
The increased use of the internet by healthcare consumers has led to…
Top 10 Health Technology Hazards For 2013
The evolution of healthcare information technology systems such as electronic health records…
WATSON, What is the correct answer ? Your patient is in 'JEOPARDY'…
Calling for More Than an Ounce of Prevention
I originally shared this post on October 27th as an announcement to the 13,000+ members of…
Science for Sale: The Very Sad Case of Medtronic’s “Infuse”
Recently, I met with an Israeli naturopath who wanted to crowdfund his…
First Treatments Completed for Parkinson’s Disease Study Sponsored by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (October 23, 2012) – The Focused Ultrasound Foundation today announced…