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Best Prototyping Tools for Health IT UI Designers
Creating a user-interface (UI) is no easy task as it includes several…
The Usage of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
Big Data is not only about large volumes of information but also…
Dr. Ryan Shelton Reveals 9 Data-Driven Tips for Optimal Health
Today, medical science is experiencing a renaissance. Medical researchers are discovering dozens…
How RFID Solutions Can Improve Patient and Doctors Experience
The request for RFID implementation becomes more and more popular in custom…
How the Pharmacy Management System Helped The Healthcare Industry?
The technology aims to make the ongoing process a lot simpler and…
New Medical Laboratories Are the Key to Diagnostics Research
The development of the COVID-19 vaccine was a miracle in medical research.…
How Rapid Blood Testing Solves Blood Lab Wait Time Issues
In early November 2020, Steven Hill* experienced a concerning and prolonged bout…
Can Medical Devices Help Reduce the Cost of Healthcare?
Healthcare costs are on the rise; according to CNN Money, a 2016…
Having an Addiction Problem? Counseling Definitely Help!
When you think of addiction, you're likely picturing classic film and tv…
A Quick Guide to Managing and Relieving Anal Fissures
Injury or trauma can cause a stretch in the anal canal, creating…