Will Technology Make Primary Care Doctors “Whole”?
My July column focused on what I see as the adverse effects of academic…
Could a Video Game Help Autistic Children?
Originally published on MedCityNews.com.That gray feline avatar — that’s Shadow Cat. He’s…
Health Start-Ups! – Beddit Does It Right
If you have trouble sleeping, look into getting a Beddit sleep tracker…
Startup Founder Reacquires His Patient Portal Business
Originally published on MedCityNews.com. In 2010, entrepreneur Steve Malik achieved the pinnacle of…
Colorado’s Medical Neighborhood and HIE
When I first started blogging, one of my favorite topics was on…
Spit Happens! Genentech and 23andMe Team Up to Advance Genomic Testing in Clinical Trials
(Editor's Note: John Nosta writes for Forbes under the heading, "Health Critical")Has…
EHRs Now Predict a Connection Between Type 2 Diabetes and Dementia
Use of electronic health records (EHRs) has begun to skyrocket in the…
Adhesive Tape Replaces Skin Biopsy in New Melanoma Test
Originally published on MedCityNews.com. Originally published on MedCityNews.com. If a doctor suspects a…
A Cardiologist in Your Pockets: HF Defender App for Heart Failure Patients
Originally published by MedCityNews.com.Each of the more than 5 million cases of…
Say Hello to Doctor Digital Omnivore
In a recent post, How Caregivers are Different Than Other Health Seekers,…