Mobile Medical Device Connects OR to Content and Reps
Originally published on A duo of former medical device sales reps has…
What’s in a Breath? Much More Than You May Think
The What The WhatAthletes have been using personalized physiological data for years…
Intermountain Healthcare Opens Innovation Center
(Editor's Note: Dan Munro writes for Forbes under the heading, "Healthcare Compass")…
Healthcare Jobs on the Rise in U.S. This Decade
This graph is a good visual depiction of how aging baby boomers,…
Online Health by the Numbers
Digital Technology has changed the landscape in health care, and it has…
FDA Updates List of Recognized Standards, Confusion Ensues
On August 6, 2013, FDA published modifications to the list of medical…
Neuro Drug Developer iPierian Nets $30M
Originally published on Originally published on Rather than leveraging stem cells…
The Looming Crisis in Healthcare IT
Are there enough informaticians to meet the need? Are there enough informaticians…
Google Glass in Primary Care
Google Glass is in its infancy, with over 8000 "explorers" who are…
5 More Must-Know Emerging Health Technology Trends for Healthcare Innovators
Originally published on Once the healthcare innovator’s guide to must-know tech terms…