Mobile Health Around the Globe: EyeNetra Offers SmartPhone Eye Diagnostics
Over 4 billion people in the world require eyeglasses. And most of…
Our Doctors Are Excited – Maybe We Should Be Excited, Too
Dr. Neil Kay from the Mayo Clinic discusses advances in CLL treatment…
A New Way to Manage Asthma and COPD
For people with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other respiratory…
Using Wireless Networks to Detect Falls In the Elderly
I have been personally interested in home care for the elderly ever…
The Real Future of Medtech: An Opinion
I see graphics (and, please help me, “infographics”) on the the future…
The Power of Simplicity in mHealth
“Technology is at its best and the most empowering when it simply…
Exoskeletons, Computer-Aided Diagnostics and 4 Other Amazing Projects by Google Science Fair Finalists
Originally published in MedCityNews Originally published in MedCityNewsBaking soda volcanoes and tri-fold…
Mobile Health Around the Globe: MedTech for Kids From Teddy the Guardian
We have published posts on self-monitoring for adults and home monitoring for…
Five of the Coolest “Bots” in Medicine [INFOGRAPHIC]
The Robots are Here! Actually, robots have been around for a while…
Funding for Cooling Device to Help Paramedics Treat Cardiac Arrest Patients
Originally published on portable device for ambulances could someday soon make it…