The Amazing Saga of Mike Schultz, Citizen Scientist
In one of my earlier posts, I talked about the impact that…
Mobile Health Around the Globe: Acquapura Tests Drinking Water Purity
How clean is the water you drink? Drinking water purity is a…
International Student Design Contest for Medical Technology
A student design contest spanning 18 countries drew some fascinating, and some…
Get Compliant or Get Out of the Game: HIPAA’s No Joke
Attention hosting companies currently supporting healthcare clients: get compliant or get out…
Tiny Traps in New Take on Anti-Viral Therapy
Originally published on Originally published on Viral infections are…
Platforms vs. Products in Connected Health
The mobile health revolution is occurring in the midst of a much…
Startup: Google Glass Could “Rehumanize Doctor-Patient Interactions”
Originally published on The founders of Augmedix still haven’t revealed exactly…
Top Digital Health Innovations That Will Transform Healthcare
Digital Health has had a major boom recently. Investors are pouring money…
Google Calico: Has Digital Health Just Become Redefined Around Immortality?
(Editor's Note: John Nosta writes for (Editor's Note: John Nosta writes…
Scientists Challenge Idea of the Individual Genome
Originially published on For decades, we as a culture have referred to…